At the end of the stay the following documents are required:

  • Mobility Report is to be filled in and submitted by the scholarship holder in the CEEPUS online
    system at However, this shall be done not later than 30 days after the end
    of the scholarship stay
  • Letter of Confirmation is to be filled in by the scholarship holder at, printed
    out and confirmed by the host institution, and afterwards within 30 days uploaded either by
    the scholarship holder or by the host institution.
  • Signed List of Realised Activities is to be submitted in the CEEPUS on-line system at together with the Letter of Confirmation (please note, either you create and upload one PDF file that includes both scanned documents or the system allows you to upload also more individual PDF files, however only before closing the upload window).

    BA/MA students:

    • semester stays: confirmation of attended courses and lectures and obtained ECTS credits (to download here)
    • short-term stays: record of all activities in weekly periods (to download here)

    PhD students:

    • semester stays: confirmation of attended courses and lectures and obtained ECTS credits (to download here) and/or record of all activities in monthly periods (to download here)
    • short-term stay: record of all activities in weekly periods (to download here)


    • daily based record of all activities (to download here), at least 6 teaching or supervising hours per working week at the host university, as stated in the mobility application

Please note that the original documents have to be uploaded in the CEEPUS on-line system at no later than 30 days after completion of the stay. In case of failure to fulfil these obligations connected with the end of the stay, the NCO Slovakia shall not be obliged to pay scholarship amounts withheld in connection with the end of stay and reserves the right not to approve further scholarship stays of the scholarship holder in the future.

The application has to be in the state ,"Accepted by applicant". After the documents have been successfully uploaded, the state changes into "Completed".

If necessary, when verifying the facts, the programme administrator may request additional documents confirming the scholarship stay (e.g. confirmation of accommodation, travel tickets), as well as proving that the purpose of the stay was fulfilled (e.g. attendance documents, photographic documentation, travel tickets, document proving accommodation etc.). The scholarship holder is therefore obliged to archive the documents related to the scholarship stay, to provide assistance in verifying the facts and to supply the administrator with the requested supplementary, existing documents without delay. As part of the verification process, the programme administrator may request a personal meeting with the scholarship holder or a visit to the host institution or an on-site visit (e.g. also to the site of the collective activity),

Note: Repeated stays in Slovakia will not be approved unless all requiered documents from previous stay are submitted to the Slovak National CEEPUS Office.